Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Burger Tour (stop 3): Sirloin Bacon Burger

     Thanks for taking the Summer Burger Tour with us this year. Our final stop the sirloin bacon burger. Now I am not talking about a sirloin burger topped with bacon, no no. I am talking about a freshly ground sirloin mixed with ground bacon. Topped with some mild cheddar cheese and you have the true all american burger right here!
     One of my brother in-laws was here for it along with some friends of ours. While grinding and mixing up the meat,my brother in-law, Beau walked into the kitchen and smelt the meat and said "I think I will have 2 or 3 of those, that smells good." I replied that he most likely will only eat one because these burgers are not small, plus I do portion these meals so there isn't always seconds. With the amount of people we had over for this one (only 5 more than normal) I way more meat than I should have. Guess how many he ate? It was not 2 or 3, in fact it was so filling he could not even finish the last 2 (small) bites he had left of the first one.
     I also had a compliment of having the "best burger I have ever eaten!" Now that was cool. Not sure if it is the best but I am sure if people try this they will let me know. Once again I used Red Robin seasoning for consistency purposes. Because it is 4th of July weekend I used the traditional sesame seed bun though. For the recipe though I will not be able to post specific amounts due to the fact that the seasoning was to taste. Please make any adjustments & let me know how it turns out if you try this one. Thanks for taking the tour with us this summer. Enjoy!

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