Now I have done a few dishes that where inspired by desert. It is always fund to make something old new again. Steak & Potatoes are great! but doing it the same way does get boring. So to change it up I got some inspiration from camping. Around this time each year when the weather just barely starts to warm up we start planning our Annual Memorial Day camping trip. What comes to mind when you think of camping? That is right , S'mores come to mind when we think of camping. So I decided to incorporate that into dinner. Just for fun one day I decided to turn a normal steak dinner into S'mores. The beauty of this dish is you do not have to change a recipe or buy extra stuff for it. All that is needed is to present (or plate) it differently.I did this by cutting the steaks into thin squares to take the place of the graham crackers. To represent the marshmallow I used mashed potatoes. I used an ice cream scoop for the job just so it would look nice , drizzled brown gravy to represent the melted chocolate. Topping it off with another thin square of steak to complete the s'more. A very simple yet fun twist on steak & potatoes.
I did debate on doing country fried steak for a crunchier texture like a cracker. It would also be a light brown color which would look more like a graham cracker, but the house hold voted for grilled steak. Who could blame them? I do believe I should try it sometime though.
(unless you let it cool down first)
It is very messy. Yes I did take my first bite by picking it up and eating it just as I would a real s'more. It was just as messy, but not with the gooey goodness of the real thing,though it was still fun. ENJOY!